倪百聰 Bai-Tsung Ni








1991畢業於美國舊金山音樂院 (The San Francisco Conservatory of Music) 音樂碩士。與國內外多個交響樂團、合唱團合作 演出過莫札特«裝傻的姑娘»、«費加洛婚禮»、«女人皆如此»、普契尼«強尼史奇奇»、«蝴蝶夫人»、梅諾第«阿毛與國王»、拉威爾«頑童驚夢»----等多部歌劇,演出男低音角色。


獲獎:2006年高雄市客家文化事務卓越貢獻獎 / 2007年18th金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂最佳演唱獎




Personal Profile

Ni, Bai-Tsung

He acquired his Master in Music degree from San Francisco Conservatory of Music in 1991.

He collaborated with many orchestra and choirs. He performed opera including La finta semplice, Le nozze di Figaro, Cosi fan tutte by W.A.Mozart; Gianni Schicchi, Madama Butterfly by G.Puccini; Amahl and the Night Visitors by G.C.Menotti; LEnfant et les sortileges by M.Ravel as a bass.

He performed oratorio including Elija, St.Paul by F.Mendelssohn; The Creation, The Seasons by J.Haydn; Messiah by G.F.Handel, Jesus Christ by Tyzen Hsiao; and Requiem, op.48 by G.Faure, Requiem, Mass In C Minor,K.427 by W.A.Mozart, Symphony NO.9 by Beethoven as a bass solo. He also performed Dichterliebe,op.48, Liederkreis,op.39 by R.Schumann.

He is currently the Chair of Music Department in Tainan University of Technology, the Director of Graduate Institute of Music, and an Associate Professor

Before he joined Tainan University of Technology, he has been on faculty at Pingtung Teachers’ College, National Taitung Teachers’ College, National Pingtung Girls' Senior High School, Holy Rosary Cathedral Choir, Fo Guang Shan Compassion Choir.