楊楠 Nam Yeung







活躍於國際表演藝術舞台,演出經歷超過百場的鋼琴家楊楠博士(Dr. Nam Yeung)現任台南應用科技大學音樂系暨研究所教授,南韓韓世大學榮譽教授,台南市文化局評議委員。


楊博士先後獲得英國皇家音樂學院演奏家文憑 (L.R.S.M.)、香港演藝學院音樂學士文憑、美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶地音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士及路易斯安那州立大學音樂藝術博士。Monroe交響樂團青年藝術家協奏曲大賽得主,並獲得KAWAI國際鋼琴大賽,阿肯薩州鋼琴大賽,JACKSON交響樂團協奏曲大賽亞軍及全美音樂教師協會鋼琴比賽州立冠軍等獎項。

楊楠博士亦常演出推廣當代作曲家作品。錄製發行有聲光碟 From Mozart To Gershwin及音樂豐年祭(法國坎城世界光碟大展)雙鋼琴及鋼琴四手聯彈經典曲目。美國Mimosa Ministry發行出品的電影Waterwheel - The Story of Randy Chang中也收錄了其演奏錄音為電影配樂。楊博士也致力於鋼琴文獻之研究,撰寫「從七首鋼琴作品探討李斯特之音樂風格與演奏詮釋」與「從演奏詮釋之觀點分析舒伯特A小調鋼琴奏鳴曲(D.845)及A大調(D.959)鋼琴奏鳴曲」等專書。他的文章及樂評也常見於報章雜誌。因其音樂貢獻獲頒巴爾地摩榮譽市民證書。

社群網站: https://yeungshao0.wixsite.com/namyeung

Personal Profile

Dr. Nam Yeung is currently a full-time piano professor in the Music Department at the Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan. At the same time, he serves as the special visiting professor at Hansei University, South Korea. Dr. Yeung has been invited numerous times as a guest artist and has presented master classes at universities and festivals, including the Asia International Piano Academy & Festival in South Korea, Cremona International Music Festival in Italy, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Summer Music Program, Si-Chuan Conservatory of Music and Beijing Normal University in China, Taipei National Recital Hall and Wei Wu Ying National Art Culture Center Performance Hall in Taiwan, Goethe Institute in Thailand, Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore, Valencia International Piano Academy in Spain, Louisiana State University, University of Kentucky, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and Montecito International Music Festival in the United States, among others. 

Dr. Yeung has performed many recitals as a soloist, concerto soloist, and collaborative pianist throughout many cities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, China, South Korea, Spain, Italy and the United States. His outstanding performances have been broadcasted on both television and radio, including Hong Kong Radio 4, the National Korean Television Channel, Taiwan’s Public Television Channel, and the Baton Rouge Classic Radio Station. 

In addition to a solo career, Dr. Yeung regularly promotes piano duo works by Taiwanese contemporary composers with his piano-duo partner, Dr. Tina Shao,. Their compact disc “A Harvest Festival of the Taiwanese Indigene” was selected by the Taiwanese Arts Council to present in the World Compact Disc Exhibition in Cannes, France. “From Mozart To Gershwin” was chosen and incorporated in an American movie titled “Waterwheel – The Story of Randy Chang” released by Mimosa Ministry.  

He received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Louisiana State University, a Master of Music degree in Piano from the Peabody institute of the Johns Hopkins University, and an Advanced Diploma program from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as well as LRSM (Licentiate of Royal School of Music). Dr. Yeung is the winner of various competitions and awards including the American MTNA Piano Competition, The Monroe Young Artist Competition, The Jackson Symphony Orchestra Competition, The Hong Kong Kawai International Competition, The Maryland Music Club Piano Competition, and others. 

Dr. Yeung has performed with the Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Changhua Symphony Orchestra and Tainan University of Technology Symphony Orchestra. He has also been appointed the Culture Affair Judicator of Tainan City Government and chairman of Tainan Music Teachers’ Association. The city mayor of Baltimore, Maryland, awarded Dr. Yeung honorable recognition for his musical achievements.