吳旭玲 Hsu-Ling Wu


學歷:(義) 威爾第音樂院音樂碩士






主題獨唱會「莫札特歌樂之夜Ⅰ」「莫札特之夜Ⅱ」「非常西班牙」「西班牙歌曲集」「西班牙歌樂篇」「光輝的義大利巴洛克」「英德巴洛克篇」「Bel Canto歌曲集Ⅰ」「比才與古諾歌曲集」「女作曲家之夜」「佛瑞與普朗克之夜」「法文香頌之夜 玫瑰人生」「咱ㄟ歌」「作曲家黃輔棠&郭柏偕藝術歌曲」「托斯第歌樂篇」「當代藝術歌曲集」「來吧!親愛的」「老歌新唱」「鄉の頌」「義大利美聲之夜Ⅱ」二十餘場不同曲目的發表,出版CD《想》。

20142019年間,曾應邀於紐西蘭的奧克蘭戰爭紀念博物館、法國文化部藝術暨文學騎士勛章授勛音樂會、日本神戶開港150周年紀念於NHK放送局、KITTO藝術中心舉辦演唱會;近年以「鄉の頌」為主題於台北駐日經辦處、芝加哥台灣文化中心及兵庫縣立美術館藝術季 舉辦演唱會。


Personal  Profile:

Professor Wu, Hsu-Ling /Soprano

A graduate from National Verdi Music Conservatory in Milan, Italy, Ms. Wu has been recognized as one of the most outstanding concert vocalists of her generation in Taiwan.

Professor Wu specializes in interpreting traditional Italian artistic repertoire and is particularly well known for teaching performance practice in Master Classes, a.k.a. Bel Canto.

During 2014-2018, Professor Wu has performed at National War Museum of New Zealand, La Chapelle des Missions Etrangeres for ceremony of Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in Paris, and appeared at NHK concert and various art festivals in Japan. 

In recent years, Professor Wu has performed at various Taiwan Consulate Offices and Cultural Centers in Japan and United States advocating and promotion Taiwanese traditional music.  

Currently Professor Wu is a full-time professor at the Department of Music at Tainan University of Technology.