曾史妃 Shih-Fei Tseng




職稱 : 講師


大提琴演奏家曾史妃啟蒙於張寬容教授,國立藝專音樂科畢業,師承林秀三教授。曾赴奧地利維也納音樂院長達九年的學習,先後跟隨 Prof. Skocic, Prof. Ostertag, Prof.T. Schussler, Prof. W. Huebner,Schubert Trio學習大提琴演奏及室內樂。
獲奧地利維也納音樂學院大提琴國家演奏家文憑。隨即返台,除常態性的舉行個人獨奏會之外,並經常受邀參與各類型音樂活動,以不同型態的演出,活躍於各音樂廳,足跡更遍及香港、中國、菲律賓、紐西蘭、夏威夷、斯洛維尼亞、德國、奧地利、義大利等帶給聽眾極為深刻印象。並與Wiener Concertante Ensemble、台北室內管弦樂團、醫聲室內樂團、台北大提琴重奏團等樂團合作演出協奏曲,為國內極活躍的大提琴演奏家。
曾任教國立嘉義大學、並曾任蘭陽技術學院董事。亦曾多次應聘於奧地利Feistriz音樂營,任教大提琴及室內樂大師班。目前除擔任台北室內管弦樂團大提琴首席,亦是菁英室內樂集三重奏大提琴手;現為財團法人典美文化基金會董事、台灣室內樂藝術推廣協會常務理事,長期耕耘並積極推廣藝文活動;現任教於私立東吳大學、 台南應用科技大學等音樂系。

電子信箱 : t50466@mail.tut.edu.tw

Personal Profile

Ms. Shih-Fei Tseng began cello study with Prof. Kuang-Rong Chang and earned the performance degree from “National Taiwan Academy of Art”. In addition, she spent nine years at the “Conservatorium Stadt der Wien ” where she studied cello and chamber music with Prof. Skočić, Ostertag, T. Schussler, W. Huebner, and the Schubert Trio.
In 1993, Ms. Tseng was awarded “Diplom” in Cello Performance in Austria. After returning to Taiwan, she became the most active recitalist, chamber musician, and concerto soloist in Taiwan. Furthermore, her performance activities have brought her to Hong Kong, China, Philippines, New Zealand, Hawaii, Slovenia and Austria where she was all highly praised.
Ms. Tseng used to teach at National Chiayi University and served as a member of the Board of Directors at Lan Yang Institute of Technology. She was invited to join the faculty of Feistritz Music Camp in Austria several times to teach cello and chamber music at Master Classes. She currently teaches cello and chamber music at Soochow University and Tainan University of Technology. She is also the principal cello of the Taipei Chamber Orchestra and the Elite Ensemble.