授課領域: 古典吉他
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旅法吉他演奏家,畢業於巴黎市立聖摩爾音樂院,先後師從黃修禮、羅文賜、徐景溢以及李振聲老師,2009年台灣藝術大學畢業後赴法深造,進入巴黎師範音樂院跟隨傳奇名師Alberto Ponce學習,次年以第一名的成績考取巴黎市立聖摩爾音樂 院,師事Daniel Lavialle,留學期間亦跟隨Gabriel Bianco學習並參與包括David Russell、Hubert Käppel、Marcin Dylla、Pavel Steidl等大師班接受指導,歸國後致力於古典吉他獨奏、講座及各類室內樂演出。
2011 法國A.F.E.M. (歐法音樂協會)古典吉他大賽第三名
2012 法國全國古典吉他大賽優勝
2015 「臺灣吉他大賽」重奏組第一名
Personal Profile
National Taiwan University of the Arts
L’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de saint maur
Born in Taiwan, Chia Wei graduated from the National Taiwan University of the Arts Department of Music, majoring in classical guitar.
At NTUA he formed the "Xuan Wu" [Dancing Strings] classical guitar ensemble with whom he regularly concertized.
After graduating, SUN Chia Wei went to France to study at L’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris with Alberto Ponce, Tania Chagnot and Gabriel Bianco. During his European studies, he participated in master classes with David Russell, Hubert Käppel, Marcin Dylla, and Pavel Steidl, among others. After returning to Taiwan, he devoted himself to classical guitar solo performances, lectures, and various chamber music performances.
2011 third place in the French A.F.E.M. (European Music Association)classical guitar competition
2012 prize for excellence in the French National Classical Guitar Competition
2015 First place in the Taiwan Guitar competition Ensemble Category(with Dean McDaniel-Keith)