中英姓名:黃睿靚 Jui-Ching Huang
七歲開始習琴,曾就讀於台中市立光復國小、雙十國中音樂班。1994年通過教育部資賦優異甄試保送國立台中二中音樂班,先後獲得台中市鋼琴比賽少年組優選第一 名、台中市鋼琴比賽青少年組優選第二名。1997年參加教育部推薦甄選以優異成績考取國立台北藝術大學(原國立藝術學院) 音樂學系鍵盤組,2002年再以鋼琴最優異成績考取同校研究所演奏組,同時獲美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶第音樂學院獎學金,但續留國內放棄就讀。2004年取得鋼琴演奏藝術碩士學位。之後赴美於曼哈頓音樂學院深造,以優秀榜單的成績畢業獲得鋼琴演奏家文憑。現為台南應用科技大學音樂系講師,同時任教於高雄市立高雄中學,國立鳳新高中、高雄市立新 莊高中、高雄市立新興高中初中部等音樂班。
黃睿靚曾獲選為第二屆文建會鋼琴比賽儲備人才庫優秀人才;於第一屆 雷協替斯基國際鋼琴大賽眾多國際參賽者終獲評審青睞,為最後決賽六位入圍者。留美期間多次參加 室內音樂會,廣受好評,亦獲美國鋼琴家大衛杜博的關注讚賞。俄國鋼琴家Nauom Shtarkman 曾經描述「我可以強烈感受到她對音樂的摯愛與企 圖心,她對史克里亞賓的詮釋有一種特別的靈氣感...」另在多次大師中,包括Heinrich Neuhaus 的嫡傳弟子 Nina Svetlaova、Andrei Gavrilov、 Alexander Semetsky、Alexei Nasedkin、Oxana Yablonskaya 等,皆給予高度讚賞,足見黃睿靚的演奏獲得專業肯定。
2009年受邀於嘉義縣文化節、高雄市打狗文藝季公開演出,獲各界好評。 2010年八月於高雄漢來大飯店真善美慈善晚會,指導自閉協會星星兒孩子音樂壓軸演出,感動現場所有觀眾,傳為佳話。2012年度愛與勇氣慈善音樂會, 此場音樂會的收入捐贈做為弱勢單親(包括離婚、喪偶、以及未婚媽媽)的 各類服務,更將作為位於台南市麻豆區的「麻二甲之家」的營運經費。2022年原訂於五月在高雄、台南與彰化舉辦三場巡迴獨奏會,因疫情值高峰取消。
Personal Profile
Jui-Ching Huang demonstrated her passion and talent for music ever since her juvenile years. She passed the Gifted and Talented Students Aptitude Assessment conducted by the Ministry of Education, thereby recommended for admission to a fine High School known for their music programs. She participated in several contests within those years, consistently earning the top rankings. In 1997, Huang attended a competitive selection test and was accepted into the Taipei National University of the Arts, majoring in Piano division. Due to her excellent performance, Huang was further admitted to the Recital division to earn a master’s degree. Meanwhile, she was offered a scholarship by the Peabody Conservatory of Music at Johns Hopkins University, but repudiated the prestigious opportunity to remain her study in Taiwan. Subsequently, she went abroad to the United States to enhance her skills at the Manhattan School of Music where she made it on the Dean’s List and graduated with a Professional Studies Certificate.
However, Jui-Ching Huang’s remarkable records did not end here. She was selected as a talented pianist reserved for the future during the Second Annual Council for Cultural Affairs Piano Competition. Huang even stood out to win the favor of judges among numerous international contestants to become one of the six finalists at the 1st International Letshetizky Piano Competition. While in the States, Huang participated in many indoor concerts that were applauded by not only audiences, but also David Dubal, an American pianist. Nauom Shtarkman, a Russian pianist, once lauded Huang: “I perceive her love and ambition towards music, her interpretation of Scriabin’s works brings forth an unique and captivating aura”. Many maestros, including Nina Svetlaova - Heinrich Neuhaus’s first disciple, Andrei Gavrilov, Alexander Semetsky, Alexei Nasedkin, Oxana Yablonskaya, have also praised Huang highly. The amount of compliments corroborates her recital performance as professional and notable.
In 2009, Jui-Ching Huang was invited to perform at the Chiayi County Culture Festival and the Kaohsiung Takao Cultural Festival. In August 2010, Huang directed a group of children from the Kaohsiung Autism Foundation to carry out a music program at a charity banquet held at the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel. The children’s purity and dedication touched the audience profoundly that news even pervaded throughout town. Jui-Ching Huang conducted a charity concert in 2012, embodied by the theme of Love and Courage. It symbolizes how both aspects can be conveyed through music; all funds were donated to organizations that specifically care for single parents in need. It also contributed as an operating fund for the Single Parent Shelter in Madou District, Tainan. It not only provides conscientious care for burdened single mothers who are experiencing violence and abuse, it also assists them to find stable employment. In May 2022, three piano recitals were planning to hold in Kaohsiung city , Tainan city and Changhua county as charity concerts. All temporarily cancelled due to severe epidemic situation.
Jui-Ching Huang is currently a piano lecturer at the Tainan University of Technology. She also instructs piano lessons in the Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School, National Feng Hsin Senior High School and Kaohsiung Municipal Hsin Chuang Senior High School.