
邵婷雯 Tina Shao








以台南應用科技大學音樂副學士甄試獲全額獎學金於美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶地音樂學院及路易斯安那州立大學完成學士、碩士與音樂藝術博士Pi Kappa Lambda。她亦是全美音樂教師協會路易斯安那州鋼琴大賽第二名與門羅交響樂團青年藝術家大賽得主。巴爾地摩瓦特博物館音樂會系列鋼琴家且獲休士頓市議會頒發證書。   

邵婷雯發表文字論著如《巴赫-李斯特改編曲》、《大拇指彈奏技巧》、《音畫》、《貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲之詮釋語彙探究-以暴風雨、熱情及告別為例》及《莫札特珠璣小品》;錄製”From Mozart to Gershwin”、《音樂豐年祭》、《阿鏜:詩樂》與《夢迴母親河》等有聲光碟出版品。教研之餘,受邀擔任美國加州青少年鋼琴比賽,日本東京古典音樂比賽,南韓亞洲鋼琴國際比賽,越南凱斯堡青少年鋼琴大賽及新加坡國際鋼琴比賽評審。指導旗下門生分別獲得德國克拉拉舒曼線上國際音樂大賽殿軍;保加利亞鋼琴大賽第二名;南韓亞洲鋼琴大賽第一名;泰國貝多芬國際線上音樂比賽大學部金獎及美國國際線上音樂大賽鋼琴組前三名。她的演奏及教學足跡觸及台灣、俄國、中國、香港、南韓、泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞、義大利、西班牙、加拿大及美國。


社群網站: yeungshao0.wixsite.com/tinashao

影音網站: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDQgWEvdYpdCtSo4cclsk5QSBJaGaXRPe

Personal Profile

Dr. Tingwen Tina Shao is appointed as a full time Associate Professor of Music at the Tainan University of Technology and serves as a member of the Pi Kappa Lambda National Honor Society.  As an associate professor, she engages in education regarding piano performance, 20th century piano literature, and the history of Taiwanese music. 

Over the years, she has taught and performed in summer events such as Tainan International Music Festival in Taiwan, Cremona International Music Festival in Italy, Montecito International Music Festival in the United States, Asia International Piano Academy & Festival in South Korea, and Valencia International Piano Academy as well as the IV Festival International Piano Malaga in Spain. She was invited as the juror in Southwestern Youth Music Festival Piano Competition in California, Japan Classical Music Competition in Tokyo (Piano Division), Chopin Memorial Prizes Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition, Liszt Memorial Prizes International Piano Open Competition in Hong Kong, Kayserburg Vietnam Youth Piano Competition in Hanoi, and Singapore International Piano Competition. Her students have won a variety of national competitions in Taiwan as well as international ones held in Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, the United States, Bulgaria, and Germany. 

A native of Taiwan, Dr. Shao holds an Associate Bachelor’s Music Diploma from the Tainan University of Technology, Bachelor and Master of Music in Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music of Johns Hopkins University as well as a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Louisiana State University. 

Dr. Shao is the recipient of various honors and winner of numerous competitions. Among these are the Louisiana State University Concerto Competition, the Arkansas State Piano Competition, the Monroe Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition, the National Teachers National Association Wurlitzer Collegiate Artist Contest, and a full scholarship from the Evergreen Foundation to study piano performance at the Peabody Conservatory of Music.  

As a writer, Dr. Shao has released books such as Franz Liszt’s Transcription of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in A Minor (BWV 543), Painting in Music and Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Op. 31 No.2, Op.57 and Op. 81a: An Interpretative Research; Journal and periodical thesis include the Thumb Technique, and The Great Gems of W. A. Mozart’s Keyboard Repertoire: Capriccio in C Major, K. 395 and Adagio in B Minor, K. 540.

In addition to solo performances, Dr. Shao plays piano duo music with Dr. Nam Yeung. Together, they have released two CD compilations titled From Mozart To Gershwin and A Musical Harvest Festival on the Joy Art Label and Glorious Pantheons, respectively. Her soundtrack was incorporated in the film Waterwheel - The Story of Randy Chang released by Mimosa Ministry. She was also involved in several collaborations: a violin video recording, Poetry of Music, as well as the recordings of 18 contemporary pieces for Soprano Contemporary Art Songs in Taiwanese by Woman Composers. 

Her events can be appreciated throughout musical centers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Italy, Spain, Canada, and across the United States. Dr. Shao has received her Certificate Recognition for outstanding contributions in the music field issued by the Houston City Council. 

Website: yeungshao0.wixsite.com/tinashao


