
余思慧 Sophie Yu







十四歲通過教育部甄試,以教育部資賦優異兒童身份赴美深造,在Walnut Hill School完成高中之後,進入美國全額獎學金的寇蒂斯(Curtis)音樂院完成學士學位,在琵琶第音樂院(Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University),取得「鋼琴演奏」碩士及「鋼琴室內樂合作藝術」博士學位。在學期間得到鋼琴伴奏管理助教全額獎學金,並擔任小提琴教授Victor Danchenko 教學伴奏。1999年及2000年榮獲琵琶第音樂院頒發Clara Ascherfeld獎及Sidney Friedberg室內樂獎,且獲選為美國國家音樂榮譽學會Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society會員。

余思慧曾於美國紐約卡內基懷爾(Weill)演奏廳、波士頓WGBH古典音樂電台及Tsai Performance Center、波士頓中華藝術協會音樂節、波士頓Concord 管弦樂團、美國緬絪州Kneisel Hall音樂節、耶魯大學/香港中文大學音樂院之國際夏令鋼琴學院、美國賓州The Quartet Program 等參與演出活動。1997年受邀與小提琴家Charles Castleman (柴可夫斯基和布魯塞爾的比賽獲獎者)合作首演Ysaÿe fantasie。 1996至2000年受Peggy and Yale Gordon慈善基金會邀請與韓裔小提琴家姜旼廷 (MinJung Kang) 與波蘭籍大提琴家Lukasz Szyrner在美國馬里蘭州與華盛頓地區發表數場獨奏會及室內樂,均獲得聽眾們熱烈迴響。

現為台南應用科技大學音樂系專任副教授,也常在「全國學生音樂比賽」、「河合鋼琴比賽」、「文化盃音樂大賽」等擔任評審委員。展演活動頻繁,定期在台北國家演奏廳舉辦鋼琴獨奏會,亦經常與其他音樂演奏家以不同的組合型態演出。2006年在台中戶外圓滿劇場開幕音樂會『1056鋼琴密碼-莫札特席捲圓形劇場』,刷新國內鋼琴演奏人數的紀錄,演出2~12架鋼琴的特殊曲目,挑戰鋼琴演奏形式的極限。其他系列展演活動包括《台北柳琴室內樂團》、《台北縣立交響樂團》、《歐亞管弦樂團獨奏家室內樂系列》、《台灣國際鋼琴藝術節》、《首屆海峽兩岸(臺灣,雲南)鋼琴演奏交流會》、《Morpheus Trio(與韓裔小提琴家姜旼廷以及德籍大提琴家Uwe Hirth-Schmidt) 》、《苗北小劇場室內樂系列》、《2015郭芝苑音樂節》、《傾聽-FAZIOLI法吉歐利名琴藝術之夜》、《2017 NTSO X 屯區國際藝術節》、《越南國家音樂院 Grand Concert Hall 室內樂音樂會》、《響夢音樂祭》、《2020鄧雨賢紀念音樂會》。在台北國家演奏廳、台北市社教館城市舞台、台中中山堂、台灣多個縣市藝文中心、廈門宏泰藝術中心、武營表演廳、台中歌劇院中劇場等,均有鋼琴獨奏與多種型態的室內樂展演活動。目前為國內首創多人鋼琴合奏團CPE鋼琴重奏團(Crossplay Piano Ensemble)藝術總監,與創始人簡雪豐老師以及國內優秀鋼琴家們在台北國家演奏廳,台中歌劇院,高雄衛武營,定期舉辦多元型態的聯彈音樂會,推廣鋼琴聯彈的藝術。(想進一步了解CPE鋼琴重奏團請看影片https://youtu.be/OUWfJz8SPWk)。   2021年CPE鋼琴重奏團獲文化部積極性藝文紓困計畫補助錄製作曲家謝宗仁雙鋼琴12手聯彈的作品《唄》的影片,您可以通過以下鏈接觀看:https://youtu.be/KUSSen4jW7E?si=pwoBxXuU_gdDixLG


Personal Profile

Pianist, Sophie Yu

        A native of Taiwan, Ms.Yu earned her DMA in Piano Ensemble Arts, MM and BM in Piano Performance from The Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, and The Curtis Institute of Music. She was awarded a full-scholarship assistantship and granted Clara Ascherfeld and Sidney Friedberg Chamber music awards in 1999 and 2000, and was also a recipient of Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society.  She performed extensively throughout Baltimore and Washington D.C. from 1996-2000, with violinist MingJung Kang and cellist Lukasz Szyrner, sponsored by Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust.   

        Ms. Yu is currently an Associate Professor at Tainan University of Technology.  In addition to teaching, Ms.Yu has performed recitals regularly at Taipei National Recital Hall, and as an avid chamber musician, she has also collaborated with singers and instrumentalists in various ensembles.  She has appeared at Weill Recital Hall, Boston WGBH radio station, Tsai performance Center, Kneisel Hall, Yale/Hong Kong Chinese University Piano Institute, The Quartet Program, Xiamen Hongtai Art Center, Hanoi Conservatory. In 2006, Ms. Yu participated at the opening concert "1056 Piano Code - Mozart Sweeps the Round Theater" at the Taichung Outdoor Round Theater, setting a record for the number of piano performers in Taiwan, featuring special pieces for 2 to 12 pianos, challenging the limits of piano performance possibilities. Other series of performance activities include the "Taipei Liuqin Chamber Orchestra" 、"Taipei County Symphony Orchestra" 、"Eurasian Orchestra Soloist Chamber Music Series" 、"Taiwan International Piano Art Festival" 、"First Cross-Strait (Taiwan, Yunnan) Piano Performance Exchange Conference" 、"Morpheus Trio (with Korean violinist MinJung Kang and German cellist Uwe Hirth-Schmidt)" 、"Miaobei Recital Hall Chamber Music Series" 、"2015 Guo Zhiyuan Music Festival" 、"Listening - FAZIOLI Piano Art Night"、 "2017 NTSO X District International Arts Festival" 、"Vietnam National Academy of Music Grand Concert Hall Chamber Music Concert" 、"Dream Land Music Festival," and "2020 Deng Yuxian Memorial Concert."  She has been a resident pianist with the Crossplay Piano Ensemble since 2014, performing programs of original duet/duo and arrangements of timeless classics at various Art Centers throughout Taiwan.  A short clip of Crossplay Piano Ensemble can be viewed on youtube: https://youtu.be/OUWfJz8SPWk

During the pandemic, the Crossplay ensemble was subsidized by the Arts and Culture Relief Program to produce a short film on a composition by Chinese composer Tsung-Jen Hsieh, “Chant” , which can be viewed at the link below: https://youtu.be/KUSSen4jW7E?si=pwoBxXuU_gdDixLG
